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TOS Definition
The throracic outlet syndrome is a group of symptoms arising not only from the upper extremity, but also from the chest, neck, shoulders and head.
The symptoms are produced by a positional, intermittent compression of the brachial plexus and/or subclavian artery vein and the vertebral artery.
The diagnosis is made easier by the physician's awareness and by use of the Selmonosky Diagnostic Triad during physical examination:
Weakness of the 5th finger
Elevation of the hand maneuver
Supraclavicular tenderness

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Dynamic anatomical variations of tunnels have been postulated as possible etiologies for various tunnel syndromes. This figure shows dynamic compression of the brachial plexus in the thoracic outlet.
1: Pectoralis minor muscle; 2: coracoid process; 3: median nerve; 4: subclavian artery; 5: brachial plexus; 6: medial scalene muscle; 7: anterior scalene muscle; 8: internal jugular vein; 9: common carotid artery; 10: costoclavicular ligament; 11: subclavious muscle; 12: subclavian vein; 13: Clavicle; 14: First Ribs.

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